Wednesday, June 23, 2010

How to Express Your Individuality With Lower Back Tattoos

i dont think lower back tattoos look good on guys. i see that as a female thing. the tattoo you picked out is really neat. i would suggest getting it maybe on your shoulder blade or something, but not on your lower back!

Getting lower back tattoos has become a right of passage for many young people in contemporary society. However, there are also a lot of people living in traditional societies who use tattoos as a means to beautify their bodies and to make a particular statement. Very often,lower back tattoos are used as a means of identification of a particular clan or tribe.

In today's modern societies many people still want to be part of a group. As the art of tattoo crept back into the societies of the world it did symbolize a unique kind of individualism and it still does. The placement of lower back tattoos means they don't have to be on display all the time.

There are so many tattoo designs that any person who is interested in getting inked will be spoiled for choice. Not only are there very traditional designs that go back centuries but modern tattooists are constantly coming up with new creations to suit a new generation of tattoo lovers. Lower back tattoos are much in demand by women. However, there's no reason to stop a man opting for that area of the body.

The choice of design for these tattoos is so individual that it's hard to say what is best. There are those who want a design they have already admired on someone else. Then there are those who want their tattoo to be one of a kind. If this is the case then make sure you explain exactly what you want from the artist. He or she can come up with an original creation for your skin only.

Women and men have so many different kinds of personalities that it contributes to the uniqueness of their tattoos. There are many men who choose lower back tattoos that are larger and of a different subject than what most women want. However, there are men who are courageous enough to let their softer side show and include a bird or a flower in their tattoos. In the same way, there are women who want a scorpion or dagger in their tattoo.

When you choose to get lower back tattoos you are becoming part of a very ancient tradition. It is believed that the oldest form of tattooing may have included ash as a colorant. The artist would have used rudimentary utensils to form a pattern. To the modern person this may seem extreme because the method today is so much gentler and quicker.

Lower back tattoos do beautify the body but they are also made memorable by the unique person who wears it. These designs can be anything you want them to be. If you want to be cheeky or you want to be feminine or you want to be just plain sexy then lower back tattoos can send a message. You can be as daring or as subtle as you choose.

If you have decided you like and want lower back tattoos the process needn't take forever. All you have to do is start looking through designs, combining designs or thinking of an original design. The end result is beautiful lower back tattoos that enhance your body.


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