Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Aztec Tattoo

Aztec Tattoo
Take a good hard look at the Aztec tattoo in this picture. I am really fond of this design and I’m not really sure why. At first glance it appears just to be your ordinary sun tattoo, but on closer inspection it reveals a lot more about itself. For one thing, look at the face on this sun Aztec tattoo. I can’t decide if this Aztec tattoo looks evil or is laughing it’s butt off. It can really go either way. And this sun looks kind of hungry, like it wants to swoop down from the heavens and eat us or something!! Now, I know that this design was probably used in religious ceremonies. I know that because the sun was worshiped by the Aztecs. They would lead virgins up to the tops of the pyramids and strap them down. Then in a whole religious rite they would carve out the heart of the virgin and offer it’s flesh to the sun. It’s kind of a grisly practice but one that was an important part of their culture. I’m just not sure if I would want to ink that design knowing the history of it, though. How about you?
Aztec Tattoo
Okay, let’s look over some of the reasons why people get a tattoo, especially a design like an Aztec tattoo. One, an Aztec tattoo can proudly display a person’s heritage. Especially if this person is from South America, or their ancestors were. Two, people often get a Aztec tattoo because it has a significant symbolic meaning to them. Perhaps something like an Aztec sun means something important to them. Which brings me to my next point. Many people get one of these tattoo designs because they are often a beautiful and complex design. I know that a lot of people say that Aztec tattoos are usually less intricate then other tribal designs, but I really don’t agree with that notion. I think it’s an urban myth, if you want to know the truth. Look at the Aztec tattoo in the picture. Is that a design that is of a rudimentary design? I don’t thinks so. I think it’s colorful and is busy enough to keep one’s attention for longer then a moment. And it’s designs like this that lend to the genres popularity. Today, Aztec tattoos are becoming one of the most popular tattoo designs that a lot of people would die to have.


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