Sunday, February 28, 2010

Temporary Tattoo Ink

Temporary Tattoo Ink

As the popularity of airbrush tattoos and body art increases around the world, more and more companies are developing their own airbrush tattoo ink. Being an airbrush tattoo artist for over 6 years now, I have had the opportunity to try out many different brands of temporary tattoo ink. Outlined here are my findings from my own independent experiments.

When shopping for temporary tattoo ink, the first thing you should look for are companies that use only FDA approved ingredients. As of this writing, the FDA does not regulate temporary tattoo inks, so be wary of any company that says their inks are actually FDA approved.
The next point to watch out for is companies advertising concentrated ink. You do not want to change the chemistry of the inks you are spraying by reducing them yourself. Buy inks that are ready to spray. Sometimes you will still have to slightly reduce these airbrush ready inks in order to spray properly, but these minor adjustments will be far more consistent than having to reduce the inks from a concentrated form.
Temporary Tattoo InkTemporary Tattoo Ink
Okay, now let's get into looking at some actual inks. The first brand of ink I tried was Nazille sold by TATstore. Nazille is a very thick alcohol based ink. The ink requires 25-30 PSI to spray well. It stays in solution well, but still needs to be shaken occasionally. The durability of the airbrush tattoos sprayed with Nazille is very good. I used this ink at a resort pool where I set up frequently, and it was not uncommon for tattoos to last a week or more even with the kids swimming extensively in chlorinated pools.

The next ink I tried out was OCC temporary tattoo ink. This ink is very thin, and settles quickly. There is a good variety of colors. The ink sprays very easily, but tended to clog the airbrush up a bit when I did not shake it enough. The colors were vibrant. However I found this ink to not be very durable for airbrush tattoos on the general public. I think it is much better suited for professional applications such as photo shoots where the longevity of the artwork is of little concern. But tattoos did last an average of 3-5 days.

Another ink trial was done using ABA temporary tattoo ink. This ink is the cheapest name brand airbrush tattoo ink on the market that I know of. While not as thick as the Nazille ink, it is thicker than the OCC, and sprays very well at 25 PSI. There are almost too many different colors to choose from. This ink proved to be very durable for public tattoo use, with longevity ranging from 6-10 days for tattoos.

Tattoos Looked Upon Differently If You Are Famous

Since I did a celebrity boom column bygone about Pink and she has 25 tattoos that I apperceive of, I anticipation I would accompany this up. Do you anticipate that association looks at rock-stars, athletes, and celebrities abnormally if they accept tattoos than a approved being is looked at. I beggarly for instance, Pink had 25 tattoos or added and if she wasn't a accompanist do you anticipate bodies would appearance her as trashy? Or booty David Beckham for archetype about bisected of his anatomy is covered in tattoos but back he is a acclaimed soccer brilliant he isn't agitated about them. And after the attractive Angelina Jolie, has several tattoos all over her body, would bodies appearance her as abject if she wasn't Angelina Jolie?

I abhorrence to accept that I feel like back they are acclaimed and accept bags of money that some bodies accord them an chargeless agenda to get tattoos and not be hounded about it. But we all apperceive if David Beckham or alike Tommy Lee wasn't as acclaimed as they are, they would added than acceptable be ridiculed about their tattoos and added than acceptable affected to awning them up.

So I anticipate this is aloof addition abundant archetype of how bodies appearance bodies with tattoos. If it is ok for your child's so alleged role archetypal to be covered in tattoos and not get fabricated fun of than what is the aberration of us accustomed bodies accepting tattoos? I alone don't anticipate there is a aberration except for the actuality that their job doesn't attending bottomward aloft if they accept a little or a lot of ink.

Tattoo Lettering

Tattoo Lettering
Though we often associate tattoos with pictures or symbols of particular objects, there is a growing population of tattoo lettering styles that reflect the written word. From bold words to statements to live by and quotes to admire, with or without accent images, tattoo lettering designs are increasingly popular in this modern day of self expression and style. Tattoo lettering essentially reflects the style and attitude of the wearer to a very large extent. It emphasizes on projecting the image of the wearer in whatever way that is desired. Essentially a lettered tattoo may comprise of various fonts and writing styles. These tattoo fonts are large in variety and can thus be selected accordingly depending upon the needs of the individual. Needs vary differently from individual to individual. Owing to the large selection of fonts available, each and every individual gets to choose his or her most preferred style. And the designs can become ever more personal when you factor in a favorite phrase or saying. Perhaps you want to have a particular poem inked into your skin. Names done in classic tattoo lettering but a bit of caution needs to be exercised here. You don’t want to add your lovers name to your skin and then break up six months later, now do you?
Tattoo Lettering
If you want some tattoo lettering you have plenty to choose from out there and of course you can have it say anything you want it to say. You can be like this tattoo and have the text itself be the whole tattoo or you can put tattoo lettering above or below or in the middle of your image, to say something about it. The one we are looking at reads: I look inside myself and see my heart is black. Now, those are either lyrics from some famous song that I am unfamiliar with or these words are some sort of a self fulfilling prophecy. Meaning they are someone’s excuse to themselves for being a bad human being. Because when someone says something like this about themselves, that’s what it is, an excuse. An excuse for bad behavior. One that makes that person feel a little better as if they cannot help themselves but we all know that would be untrue. People can always help themselves.

My guess it that this saying comes from some song. That is the most likely scenario anyway. You probably never thought that a small amount of tattoo lettering could open up such a can of worms. But it sure doesn’t take much.

Wrist Tattoo

Wrist Tattoo
This is a pretty tattoo, I like it a lot. Its a wrist tattoo, but it could easily be on a girls foot or anywhere else for that matter. Blue rose surrounded by free flowing vines, very nice indeed. Just change the color of the rose here and there and maybe add a little calligraphy inside the vines and you got a super hot wrist tattoo. Now days you have to be careful about wrist tattoos and other tattoos that can’t be covered up with a long sleeve shirt. Some employers won’t give you a job if your tattoos can’t be hidden from the public.

There are some people out their that take a negative look towards tattoos still, but thankfully a lot of that is disappearing as younger people are getting older and the baby boomers are getting out of running businesses and retiring. Think about it, why would anyone in their right mind think negative about a pretty wrist tattoo, I think they are art haters down deep. They don’t like any type of art, maybe that’s the problem. What about them being jealous that they don’t have one, maybe that’s the real problem, and they don’t want to admit it.

Wrist Tattoo
Before you commit to getting a wrist tattoo, think carefully about it. Because the wrist is such a prominent part of the body, there will be no hiding the fact that you have one. Even if you wear long sleeves, your tattoo will peek out from underneath whenever your sleeve shifts a little bit with the movement of your arm. Evaluate what type of wrist you have, and recognize that some people just look better with a wrist tattoo than others. A wrist tattoo draws attention to the wrist, and by extension, to the hand. Slender wrists connected to pretty hands will naturally look best with wrist tattoos. If you have chubby wrists, stubby fingers, or problem fingernails, you may want to reconsider a wrist tattoo for now. But, if you have done your research and feel that a wrist tattoo would be a great addition to your collection of body art then take your tattoo design or sketch to a tattoo artist. Have him work up the wrist tattoo design and put the stencil on your wrist. You will then be able to not only see how the design looks but have him make changes on the fly. This way you can decide if the tattoo is what you really want to get. If it’s not then you have saved yourself a lot of aggravation.

Megan Fox Tattoos

Megan Fox Tattoos
When it comes to megan fox tattoos most of us will pay very close attention. Rarely do we get to look at tattoos on such a drop dead gorgeous woman as her. But this tattoo, a quote from Shakespeare, we will all laugh at gilded butterflies, is both a deep thing to say and a very simple thing to say. This is one of the many ways which Shakespeare used with his characters to have them say what they mean but almost always saying it in not obvious ways. When you take a close look at this quote you will realize that gilded butterflies cannot fly and therefore, in essence King Lear meant that there are no gilded butterflies that can replace a loving daughter in his life. No amount of wealth or power or gilded butterflies.

For this to be one of the megan fox tattoos means that Obviously Megan Fox is a trained actress or she would not have a quote like this on her shoulder or anywhere else on her body. Most people do not realize that all trained actors spend a great deal of time studying the works of Shakespeare. Though no one talks like that, and probably never really did, the studying of his works is sort of a right of passage for nearly any serious actor or actress. Far as I am concerned I’ll look at megan fox tattoos no matter what they are.

Megan Fox Tattoos
The last time I counted there were seven Megan Fox Tattoos. There are two that are textual and were designed using Old English font, with a mix of Gothic German. These two tattoos along with Marilyn Monroe’s portrait on her arm are the ones that stand out the most. She also has a tribal symbol on her left arm and a star and crescent tattoo on top of her ankle. And how could we forget the cursive letter Brian tattoo that is slightly south of her waist. Tattoos mean a great deal to Megan Fox, so much in fact that she promised to give up Hollywood altogether if she ever lost a role because of them. They have become a part of her and transcend mere vanity body art. So they’re no simply body art, she gets them for a reason and many times that pertains to her mind set and what she’s feeling at that moment in time. Now, of course with this particular picture we can only see the Marilyn Monroe Megan Fox tattoo but some of the other ones are in vary sensitive positions on her body. Man, I would love to see those tattoos!!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Tattoo Suppliers

Getting started in tattooing is not like getting started in any other industry. It is more on par with old fashioned times, wherein which a person who wanted to learn a skill or a craft would have to find a mentor and apprentice underneath them, picking up the skill the old fashioned way: by doing it!

This is mostly still the case for the tattoo industry. One side effect of this is that it is a bit harder to come upon information on all the "tools of the trade" so to speak. There are no textbooks out there called Tattoo Supplies 101! With this in mind, this article will look at the basics involves for tattooing supplies, with the beginner in mind as the reader.

When discussing the basic tattoo supplies involved in this line of work, there are a handful of key pieces. Let us look at them one by one.

1. The Tattoo Machine. Also sometimes called a tattoo gun, a term usually shunned by profession artists, the tattoo machine is the central tool used to give tattoos. They are a ton of different tattoo machines of not just different quality, but of different purposes and even size and shape. On this note, it is very important to have a tattoo machine that fits correctly into the hands of the artist!

2. The Power Supply. Tattoo machines are not battery powered. This means they require an external source of power. Many prefer the power supplies that affix via a cable to the machine and then are turned on and off from an attached foot pedal. This is similar in technique to a sewing machines set up with a foot pedal.

3. The Needles. Needles are what pierce the skin and deposit the ink into the skin itself, creating the tattoo. Artists use shader and liner needles to create different effects of various depths to create the tattoo. Needles are to be used once and then thrown away.

4. The Different Types of Ink. Of course ink is also needed to make a tattoo. Tattooing ink is available in all colors, although black is the most readily available and readily used color out there.

These 4 above tattoo supplies are the main equipment pieces used to make tattoos, but there are actually dozens of other supplies that assist. This goes all the way from gloves to grips to rubber bands to cleaning equipment to ink caps and more. As evident by the contents of many tattoo kits available, when starting with the basics - it is the tattoo gun, needle, ink, and a power supply that allow for the bulk of work to be done by any tattoo artist out there.

Tattoos I Know: Anna's Culinary Ink

Several months ago, one of my co-workers, Anna, wanted to commemorate the completion of her externship from culinary school.

It was funny, because at the time, she didn't realize I wrote Tattoosday and then discovered the site through googling. She stumbled upon this post that featured a chef's knife.

Anna liked the idea of using a knife, but wanted a whisk too. She spotted this piece and met with Vinny Romanelli at Red Rocket Tattoo in Manhattan, giving him the several source images she had found and explaining what she wanted.

He designed this for her and then completed the tattoo for her in about twenty minutes. She had him stick with black and gray and wanted him to emphasize the shading. This is the end result, positioned just above her ankle:

Other work from Red Rocket has appeared on Tattoosday here.

Thanks again to Anna for sharing her culinary ink with us here on Tattoosday!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Tattoo Lettering Designs

A tattoo writing design, conscionable equivalent with any fad that has skyrocketed to worldwide frenzy, can favor into a tattoo hardship when finished with motion and without any muse. Few grouping who are uneasy to go with the movement of a touristy direction power conscionable vary the gun and get one finished. Ofttimes nowadays these tattoo rushers end up detonating with sadness because the ornament is poorly researched, misspelled, embezzled out of environment, or inked wrong.
Tattoo Lettering Designs
Tattoo Lettering Designs
To abstain beingness stuck with a tattoo writing figure that makes you cringe whenever you see it, create in handle the succeeding deciding elements of a eligible tattoo writing ornamentation. It wouldn't arouse to see and copy the criteria if the try is happening up as the thing of a tattoo horror lie.

The schoolbook of tattoo writing moldiness tight something to you

Tattoo lettering is all roughly operator symbolisation and aspect. As specified, the decoration must operate as a protest of how you reach yourself and what you value most in your animation. Because of their rattling individual nature, tattoo writing designs commonly spell out a lingo, an great day, a belief, a effort, or both remaining important passage.

The module of selection should be competent to ingeminate your knowing signification
Tattoo Lettering Designs
Tattoo Lettering Designs
Communication barriers within the tattooing mankind hit bimestrial since evaporated due to orbicular pleasing blessing of the tattoo art in incompatible cultures. One of the results is the worldwide implementation of using international languages instead of your endemic ness in a tattoo writing arrangement. It power be because you appreciate the visual temptingness of a naturalized hand, or because the mythology and mysticism of a curious civilisation that is lacking in your own appeals to you. It power also be a compounding of both. Irrespective of the reasons behindhand your select of module, one aim is quibbling can be worded the unvaried way. There are flatbottomed languages that are so clashing that one phrase may not flatbottom know a remotely affiliated equivalent move into the new. For instance, a tattoo lettering designing that should feature "Big Daddy" is inked in Altaic characters, and ends up as "Outsized Ascendent."

The filler and positioning of the tattoo should be fit to the programme
This applies to every tattoo pattern, but it is specially consequential with tattoo lettering because the situation and activity of the tattoo alter the readability of the evince / catchword. This is prefab author complicated by the fatal bleeding of the tattoo ink over experience. So when choosing a tattoo lettering designing, change careful that it is of readable size, the lines are somewhat thickly inked and well-spaced. This would pee your tattoo lettering program understandable justified after ten geezerhood when the peel unavoidably loosens and sags. You should get any grownup advice from your creator on the situation and location that superfine cause your tattoo writing system.

Rib Tattoos

Rib Tattoos
A rib tattoo can be one of the most painful tattoos that a person can get. Also that area of the body can be quite challenging for an artist to ink due to each person’s unique size, shape and natural curves. But, if an artist is properly found and a person has given the rib tattoo a lot of thought it can be pretty impressive. Just make sure that you keep a few things in mind. One, decide on placement. The rib cage area offers a pretty large canvas to work with allowing you ample room for larger pieces. Many people will choose to place a design on just one side of their body, but you can also choose something that covers both sides or even incorporate a back piece that works its way around to the ribs on one or both sides. Two, do not hold your breath. Remember to keep breathing no matter how much it hurts or else you could find yourself getting really lightheaded and possibly even wind up fainting. Take slow, even breaths and if you do start to feel somewhat woozy, ask your tattoo artist for a break. And that brings us to the final piece of advice for a rib tattoo. Take a break if the pain is beginning to get unbearable! Tattoo artists are used to clients needing breaks at different intervals and it’s not unusual to need one or even several breaks during a rib cage tattoo. If you take all these factors into consideration you should have no problem getting your latest bit of ink.
Rib Tattoos
Rib tattoos are astonishing pieces of art and are definitely one of a kind. The rib cage is comparable to a big canvas for a body art where are ample room to work on for large pieces. With this tattoo being done on the part very close to the bone, pain would really be on the higher scale since there are lesser tissues to cushion the skin while needle is penetrating through it. If the chosen design is on the larger side, the completion usually takes more than one session since the pain can come to a point to being intolerable. But, if you think that rib tattoos are only for men then think again. Women especially love working rib tattoo art from the lower stomach all the way up to the side of the breast. Tattoo art on ribs that are normally found on women are flowers complete with leaves and stems with very vibrant and lively colors. Another popular rib tattoo motif is poems or quotes done in elegant lettering. Take the rib tattoo in the photo. It’s a quote from song lyrics. "Here lies the ghost of a love so beautiful". I must say that this rib tattoo is not only well done but also a beautiful sentiment.

Skulls Tattoos

Skulls Tattoos
If you’re thinking about skull tattoos then this is a drawing you should take a look at. It seems a little strange and wild but I think I know exactly what I am looking at here. And I am pretty sure I am right this time. Remember the hunter type of aliens from any of the Predator movies? I believe the creature on the far left in this image, is that predator creature and that the other two skulls are simply skulls of previous victims of that predator. If you remember, the predator creature kept the skulls of its kills like they were souvenirs.
Anyway, that’s what I think about this tattoo and I may be wrong but I don’t think so. I think I got this one nailed. Look at the hair, if you can call it that, of the creature on the left. Look at how the one on the left is the only one that could not be human. And that’s because that face is actually a mask and not a face at all. That has to come off for us to see the real face. And as Arnold once said, to put it nicely, it’s one very ugly face.

Skulls Tattoos
The design in the picture is a beautiful example of what can be done with skulls tattoos. The huge center skull surrounded by the mini skulls and the flame design makes a very stunning impact. All this design needs is a little color to make it pop. It just goes to show you why this design has been steadily rising in popularity. Skulls tattoos are admired and liked by all and this craze has been found in every civilization and in every age. The tattoo itself gives a wild as well danger image which is very much in demand. Actually the demand for this type of tattoo in large extent found among young men. The image of skull is famous in many religious activities. In this way, it becomes the symbol of our culture and tradition. In different countries where spiritual and religious activities take a major importance this symbol is found as the sign of victory and purity. In India the Goddess Kali is worshiped in her great image where she possesses the scull as garland. In Mexico too you find the skull which works as the reminder of death and brings the idea of ultimate freedom after death. Hence, the skull image is exceptional is every aspect.

Tattoos Design

Tattoos Design
This is a tattoo design that has it’s roots in the ancient Celtic pagan religions. A lot of people consider this to be an Irish tattoo design and the two terms are often used to refer to the same genre. When it comes to tattoo designs, one of the world’s most requested designs are Irish tattoo designs. There is no arguing about it. With its interesting history and the imagery of Ireland reflected on all Irish tattoo designs and the meanings that comes with every pattern, it is not a wonder why people of non-Irish descent, are so enamored with it, oftentimes infusing it with a meaning of their own. Over the years Celtic and Irish tattoo designs have merged and had came to be known as one and the same, except for a handful of designs that are truly Irish such as harps, the shamrock, and the claddagh symbol. Celtic patterns and knot work have long been considered to be Irish and these knot works and plaits helped make Irish tattoo designs gain worldwide recognition among tattoo lovers and body art enthusiasts. But, whether you choose to call it Irish or Celtic, one thing is for positive, it’s a nice design.
Tattoos Design
If your looking to get a tattoo design then make sure you put a lot of thought into it because it’s a decision that you will have to live with for a long time to come. There are some basic principals to keep in mind before you get one. The first is actually a question you need to ask yourself. What is the big love in your life? What really floats your boat. You can’t go wrong when choosing a tattoo design if you can answer this very basic and fundamental question. Number two, what does your tattoo symbolize. Not just in general but what does it mean to you? Choosing symbolism as a means to find the right tattoo design can serve both the purpose of providing meaning to the tattoo, while also helping you greatly narrow down your decision. And now the final principal. A tattoo design is something that is very personal. No, this is going on there for good. So before getting a chain link around your bicep or a rose on your ankle, because your girlfriends or the guys at the gym got the same, think instead about implementing your own individuality into a tattoo design.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Tattoo Artists Become Celebrities in the Biker World

Bikers accept developed a different ability all their own. This has resulted in a cardinal of stereotypes that are usually incorrect and sometimes aloof bottomward appropriate disrespectful. In the 1950s and 60s, bikers were portrayed as agitated thugs and miscreants. Believe it or not, actual few bikers are absolutely in abandoned motorcycle gangs. In added contempo years, tattoos accept become alike with bikers. It's adamantine to go to a assemblage and not see tattoos accoutrement bisected the crowd, although they alter from actual simple arrangement to acutely intricate ample anatomy pieces. These works of art accept become an basic allotment of motorcycle ability and accept led to the acceleration of a cardinal of celebrity boom artists.

One of the best acclaimed artists in the apple rose to acclaim in contempo years. Kat Von D aboriginal appeared on the apple date on The Learning Channel's Miami Ink series. After her breach from the show, she got her own boutique and show, LA Ink, which currently runs on TLC. Kat began her career as a boom artisan at aloof 16 years old. She acid her abilities over abounding years afore venturing out on her own. Her acceleration to acclaim and affluence has accustomed her to adventure into added facets of the industry, including an absolute boom camouflage makeup. Kat afresh appear a book alleged "High Voltage Tattoo" that chronicles her assignment and adventure through the apple of anatomy art. Bodies planning to get tattooed by Von D charge to plan able-bodied beforehand and be able to absorb a lot of cash.

Another acclaimed name in the boom and bike apple is Corey Hart. Best bodies apperceive of Hart from his outstanding performances in acute motocross sports. He fabricated his antecedent affluence by antagonism clay bikes. Hart absitively to accompany his absorption in tattoos and partnered with acquaintance John Hunting to accessible a boutique in Las Vegas, Nevada. This shop, Hart & Huntington, is the accountable of a television appearance alleged Inked that affectedness on A&E. The appearance has been acutely accepted and appearance a assorted acquisition of artists. Hart & Huntington tends to baby to the abundant celebrity crowd, but abounding bodies airing in attractive to get tattooed. If you're planning on activity to the shop, be able to carapace out a nice block of change because their aggregation doesn't assignment cheap. Although best things that appear in Vegas break in Vegas, it'll be adamantine to adumbrate your appointment to the H&H shop.

Tribal Flower Tattoo

Tribal Flower Tattoo
Tribal Flower Tattoo
Today tribal flower tattoo is not the monopoly of nice-looking girls. Many boys and older people are also selecting this type of design. It is also observed that many peoples includes flower in their main tribal sketch, for example including a Lilly in the background of skull or dragon design. This will enhance the overall effect and meaning of final design. Different flowers have different meanings. Rose is symbolizing love and passion but red rose has different meaning than the white rose. Similarly, lotus flower symbolizes peace. So, whenever you select the design be sure that you know the meaning of it.
Tribal Flower Tattoo
Tribal Flower Tattoo
Finding the best design of tribal flower tattoo is not easy. First you have to be clear in your mind about what flower you want to be tattooed. For this study the different meanings of various flowers and then select the one that appeals you most, next depending upon your preferences and passions select the basic color. It is possible to select either single color or multicolor sketch of tribal flower tattoo.

Now look for different variations and different shapes of the flower you have selected. Best source of tribal flower tattoo designs are internet. You can browse the net for many free sketches. But if you want to select from some cool unique drawings of tribal flower then spend some money and become the member of a good website that offers unique sketches exclusively to their members. The other advantage to become a member of such a member based website is you can take days or months for deciding which flower tattoo design you like to pierce in to your body. Good membership sites constantly add some fresh designs daily in to their gallery.

Mermaid Tattoo

Mermaid Tattoo
Mermaid tattoos have a long history in Western and even Japanese culture. They can be traced back to various ancient cultures that lived close to the ocean. For example the ancient Greeks and Romans both have a deep mythology and stories about mermaids and other sea sirens and creatures. The Greeks believe that these half women half sea creatures would wait on the rocks combing their long flowing hair and try to capture the wayward sailor with their beautiful song. Early sailors would sometimes report seeing mermaids after long voyages at sea. This was no doubt an illusion brought on by fatigue and poor nutrition but nonetheless a vision that often left a lasting impression. Over time more and more sailors started getting these mermaid tattoos. Typically on their forearm and sometimes in combination with an anchor or other nautical themes. But, mermaid tattoos have since come a long way. Many women are getting these beautiful creatures of the sea inked on their skin. This mermaid tattoo on a women’s breast is a wonderful example of how women are now using what was once a masculine tattoo. In what way can you utilize the mermaid tattoo?
Mermaid Tattoo
Mermaids tattoos have a very long history in Western culture that can be traced back to many ancient cultures that lived close to the sea. Both of the ancient Greeks and Romans have deep mythology and stories about mermaids. The Greeks believe that these half women half sea creatures would wait on the rocks combing their long flowing hair and try to capture the wayward sailor with their beautiful song. It was believed that their voices were enticing and beautiful enough to easily draw a man into their clutches. At present, mermaid tattoos have become popular again. The mermaid tattoo design is no longer the sole domain of sailors but more and more women are getting these tattoos. This could be due to the popularization of mermaids in movies like "The Little Mermaid". Whatever the reason many women are getting mermaid tattoos as they are another way to represent feminine power and beauty making for a popular tattoo design. The mermaid tattoo in the picture is a great representation of how powerful these half women and half fish creatures can be. A little splash of color added to it and I would ink it into my skin. How about you?

Koi Tattoos

Koi Tattoos
Here we have five different versions of koi tattoos. Very nice Japanese koi tattoos at that. All of these are both very well drawn and expertly colored and look very cool. My favorite of the group is the larger one in the center. And I think that is because this fish seems to have a bit of attitude in its face and I like that. To the Japanese the koi fish was suppose to be very close to the Gods and as such was a creature to be both respected and feared. But even with the attitude this koi fish hardly looks dangerous. It just looks cool man.
I have always been somewhat of a fan of koi tattoos. Especially the Japanese ones. Japanese art in general tends to be very detailed and generally is filled with lots of bright and shocking colors, almost like water colors, and I like things that really stand out that way. And Japanese tattoo art is very much the same. Lots of detail and lots of bright colors. Check out some images of Japanese style dragon tattoos and you will see exactly what I mean.

Koi Tattoos
As far as koi tattoos go this is a pretty big one and it is on a persons body who is covered with freckles so it sort of makes it look like a spotted koi. In Japan the koi fish, a member of the carp family, represents luck so that kind of leaves the door wide open for someone who likes the idea of getting a koi fish tattoo. Because luck can apply to many different types of circumstances and for many different reasons.
There are a lot of very beautifully colored koi tattoos out there that people can choose from if they wish to get such a tattoo. I personally think if I was going to get a fish as a tattoo that it would be some kind of great sporting fish. Something like a sail fish or a marlin or a sword fish. But I guess that is because for me a big fish like that represents the fight one must endure to boat such a creature. Those type of fish are very difficult to catch. But if you want one of the koi tattoos then by all means, find one that you like and get it. There are lots to choose from.

Music Note Tattoos

Music Note Tattoos
Here we have a sheet loaded with images of potential music note tattoos. And it pretty much covers the gambit of almost anything a person may want in the way of such a tattoo. It has music notes with birds, with flowers, with records and even a horse and one with spaces for a persons name as well as several more choices. When it comes to music note tattoos there certainly is a lot to choose from right here, but this is only a drop in the old bucket compared to how many of them there really are out there.
Anyone wanting one of these music note tattoos will soon find that they could actually spend years looking at different variations of them without seeing the same thing twice. Meaning quite simply that the possibilities are limitless. After all, it’s an artistic medium so everything is constantly changing and evolving. That is the very nature of art in almost all of its forms. And of course music itself can take so man forms that it is also an endless array of notes and symbols that can be used on any tattoo.

Music Note Tattoos
Music note tattoos are really cool tattoos that can be displayed alone or included with many different design elements. What other things can you do to your music note tattoo to make it stand out from the crowd? Let’s see, here’s a few design suggestions. You can easily create a heart by placing two bass clefs together in a mirror image design. Together, they make a lovely heart that clearly conveys a love of music. You can choose to have just a single medium to large heart design or string a bunch of them together to make a bracelet. You can also create whimsical butterfly tattoos with either type of clefs. To use the trebel clef, flip a pair of clefs upside down. Next, flip one clef in the opposite direction so both clefs are now mirror images with the curls formerly at the bottom of each clef at the top of the design facing away from each other. To use the bass clef, face each clef away from its partner with the dots in between. If you prefer to stay more literal than whimsical with your design, you could go with a traditional staff filled with musical notes. Remember, you can still take some license with the design and give your staff some movement. No matter how you set up your music note tattoo you can be sure that it will show to the world your love of music.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Tattoo Schools

Tattoo Schools
Tattoo Schools
Tattoo Schools
Tattoo Schools
There are two schools of thought (excuse the pun), on this subject.

The first - tattooing should only be taught the old fashioned way of doing a long term apprenticeship, with no pay and filled with months of cleaning the shop, being somewhat of a slave to the working artists, and sometimes being treated in a worthless manner. You can get an idea of the process from Miami Ink. I have talked to a couple of local shop owners and not only is this their method of teaching but it usually requires a substantial fee from the apprentice. Eventually, the future artist is allowed to practice the art and progress from there....

The second - and more current approach is to actually attend a school or take a course in this popular art. These range from a quick 2 week course to months in duration. And yes, they are costly also, but the focus is on teaching the art of tattooing and using a hands-on approach. I am more familiar with this method and think it is a straight forward and valuable option to people searching a way to break in to this popular vocation. Unfortunately, some people are of the opinion this way is lame and not a reputable approach.
Tattoo Schools
Tattoo Schools
I believe both approaches are valid and the idea of "tattoo schools" does not deserve the criticism it currently gets. There are a lot of people that have to work for a living and taking a course packed with instruction is their only option

Tattoo Picture Gallery

Tattoo Picture Gallery
Tattoo Picture Gallery
Tattoo Picture Gallery
Tattoo Picture Gallery
Tattoo Picture Gallery

Tattoo Wings

Tattoo Wings Are Becoming Popular Tattoo Designs

More and more people get tattoo wings on their shoulders today. This may be due to both to see if you are bare-chested or to make you feel like you're an angel. But Tattoo Wingswhatever the reason is behind it, there really many people who like this design ink on their bodies. Since there is only a number of options available to you can have a tattoo wings, this article will give you some help deciding what to design you choose.

Angel tattoo wings, as mentioned, is usually done on the back of the shoulder, so there is the attraction more realistic for them. These people can have it done by a tattoo artist and ask them to do more detail to the wings so that they will be more credible. Usually, the people who decide to have a tattoo of angel tattoo wings have been doing so they can express their symbolism and religious beliefs. However, the devil wings very similar to this angel tattoo wings. And they can also express a belief and symbolism. The only difference between them is how they look as opposed to one another.

Tattoo WingsA more subtle option you can have is either a fairy or butterfly tattoo wings. People who like fantasy fairy wings to go to so they will feel like they are one. Typically, more women get the ink tattoo designs behind them and on their shoulders. In addition, the butterfly tattoo wings are preferred by the women rather than men. Getting tattoo wings of a butterfly is just one of the general design.

Usually, if you get a tattoo wings on his back, a tattoo artist would be a great and realistic. But if you prefer to have smaller tattoos, you can have it done in other parts of the body such as legs, shoulders, lower back, legs, stomach or arms. In addition, getting a tattoo fairy or butterfly wings will usually need to put some kind of ink colors. Tattoos can not be achieved only in one session and will ask you to come back several times so that the tattoo artist can finish it.

Tattoo WingsAlthough there are many women who choose to be a wing tattoo ink on their bodies, men also have the option to design this tattoo. Apart from the tattoo wings of angels or demons, they can also have wings of an eagle or other bird, and even get a spare wing. But this does not stop there. In the middle of the wing, there are so many things that can put like a sword, crown, heart, skull, cross, or star. You can choose between them or you can even let it empty and just select the wing. By Jennifer Langston

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Unique Butterfly Tattoo Today

Unique Butterfly Tattoo Today
Unique Butterfly Tattoo Today
A lot of people are flocking to the tattoo parlors these days to get inked. Why do people get inked in the first place? Some say it is for recognition, other for attention, & yet some people need to follow the crowd. No matter what your reason is for getting inked, be sure you actually browse through a reputable gallery of designs before you select on what you need. You cannot erase a design you don't like so think carefully. If you need to check out tons of butterfly tattoos,
Humans have had their bodies inked for thousands of years so this is not something new at all. Designs have been used as a way of expressing personal religious belief, signification of a tribe or group, cultural status, punishment, or out of love. There's been mummies found from 5,200 years ago that have tattoos on them.

The earliest known examples that plenty of people site for tattoos were on plenty of female mummies which date back to about 2000 BC. As stated though, there was a recent discovery along the Austrian border which found a mummy that dates back about 5,200 years & this mummy also has patterns designed on it. So these "inks" go way back!

On top of this, in 1948, a 2,400 year elderly body was found in the frozen ice of Siberia. This ancient male was covered in tattoos on his limbs & torso, representing ancient mythical animals & beliefs. So as you see, tattoos, whether they be butterfly tattoos or otherwise, are a sizable role in society - both past & present.

Body adornment was the main form & reason for tattoos in the ancient world. Today, symbols like butterfly tattoos are merely a form of joy or are done because the person wants that look. In ancient times, women used to have a sure arrangement of dots across their stomach, to symbolize some sort of stature in society.

Uppoer Back Butterfly Designs

Uppoer Back Butterfly DesignsUppoer Back Butterfly Designs
Uppoer Back Butterfly DesignsLower Back Butterfly Tattoo Gallery